Be a Gala Sponsor or Advertiser to support the CBCF!

Aug 31, 2018 | News

Click here to download the 2018 Gala Sponsor/Advertiser Contract Form!

This year we will be Celebrating our 40th Anniversary! It all began with one firefighter’s dream. Arthur C. Luf formed an organization that would help educate the community on fire safety and fire prevention, support training of professionals on the latest techniques in care and treatment of burn patients, and fund research projects. From this dream sprang The Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp. Now going on its 27th year.

The reception starts at 6:00pm and dinner begins at 7:00pm. Tickets are $100 per person and will soon be available for purchase online! can be purchased online by clicking here.

The Dinner Dance Committee has once again put together a very special evening, this year celebrating our Ruby Jubilee, and we are anticipating 250 guests – each of whom will receive our program book with your ad in it. Festivities include dinner, dancing, a silent auction, and a 50-50 raffle. The highlight of the night is the introduction of The Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp 2018 Camper and Counselor of the Year and the first-time announcement of our 2018 Benefactor of the Year.

As a past supporter, we sincerely hope that you would consider taking out an ad in our Program Book again. Your ad sponsorship strengthens Art’s legacy and supports his dream as CBCF furthers fire safety education in our state, underwrites the Dr. Walter E. Pleban Lecture Series for Bridgeport Hospital Burn Center staff, and affords the opportunity for us to offer The Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp – free of charge – to young burn survivors ages 8 to 18.

Thank you. For being a part of our 40-year mission. We could not have successfully gotten this far without you.


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