Campers Feel the Holiday Spirit

Dec 21, 2015 | News

Forty campers and their parents and counselors from the Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp kicked off the holidays at the Christmas Show November 22nd, playing Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

The Laurence W. Levine Foundation donated the tickets of the annual show that began in the 1930’s. Lesley Logue of the Levine Foundation said it was a pleasure to bring joy to the children of the camp and their parents during the holidays.

The Rockettes danced their precision routines that delighted the packed-house audience, especially the famous Dance of the Wooden Soldiers. A 3-D segment, featuring Santa Claus flying over New York City, created the illusion for campers and their parents and counselors that they were flying along with St. Nick and his reindeers. The Nativity scene with three live camels, donkeys, and sheep capped off the show.

Camper Arianna Cedeno enjoyed the show, which she said put her in a perfect holiday mood: “The dancing and the singing was so good. I couldn’t believe it. This was a wonderful Christmas present to come and see the show.”

Pictured left to right: Ashanti Atkins, Arianna Cedeno, Flor Sandoval, and Hanna Felber

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