by cbcfadmin | Dec 21, 2018 | News
This lecture, open to the public and hosted by the Connecticut Burns Care Foundation, will be held in the Hollander Auditorium. It will feature the second highest-ranked expert in burns in the world, Dr. Marc Jeschke from Toronto, Canada. Upon completion of this...
by cbcfadmin | Dec 12, 2018 | News
Disaster Restoration Services, of 338 Airline Ave., Portland, wrapped up their annual coat drive on Wednesday, December 12th. The final delivery was made to Button Up Connecticut headquarters out of Siracusa Moving & Storage in New Britain, where owner Dan...
by cbcfadmin | Aug 31, 2018 | News
Nice article and TV segment about The Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp. Washington, D.C.-based WJLA ABC news highlights the D.C. area children and counselors who attend camp.
by cbcfadmin | Aug 31, 2018 | News
Click here to download the 2018 Gala Sponsor/Advertiser Contract Form! This year we will be Celebrating our 40th Anniversary! It all began with one firefighter’s dream. Arthur C. Luf formed an organization that would help educate the community on fire safety and fire...
by cbcfadmin | Aug 10, 2018 | News
Theater has the power to help us better understand ourselves as well as others, whether it’s people from diverse cultures or anyone who is different than us. So it’s no surprise that New Paradigm Theatre (NPT), a company renowned for its imaginative productions that...
by cbcfadmin | Jul 31, 2018 | News
Watch the video below of CBCF Executive Director Kathlene Gerrity speaking with Ben Blake, Mayor of Milford, Connecticut about the Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp and upcoming events to support the Connecticut Burns Care Foundation.